Glendale Disability Discrimination Lawyer

Glendale Disability Discrimination Lawyer

Glendale Disability Discrimination Attorney

Best Glendale Disability Discrimination Lawyer

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As a disabled individual, you face a multitude of obstacles every day. One of these is the difficulty in finding and keeping a job that pays well. Unfortunately, many disabled employees have faced unfair treatment and discrimination at work because of their disabilities. Not only is this illegal, but it can be incredibly disheartening for those who are working just as hard as others to get their job done.

If you have been a victim of disability discrimination in Glendale, CA, do not wait to find legal representation and hold your employer accountable. At MM Law, APC, we can fight for you and your rights as an employee in California.

MM Law, APC: Your Employment Law Experts

No disabled employee should be treated unfairly because of their differences. Here at MM Law, APC, we believe that every employee deserves to be treated with fairness and respect in their place of work. That is why our team specializes in representing mistreated employees across southern California and is dedicated to protecting your rights.

We offer a variety of expert legal services to represent those who have been wronged and are committed to holding employers accountable for their negligent actions. If you or someone you love has faced discrimination at work because of a disability, our team at MM Law, APC, is prepared to help you today.

What Is Disability Discrimination in the Workplace?

Discrimination is known as the unfair or unjust treatment of another person because they are seen as belonging to a certain “group.” For example, historically, discrimination has been based on race, gender, age, and ethnicity. Therefore, disability discrimination in the workplace is the unfair treatment of disabled employees while they are at their place of work or trying to obtain work.

Discrimination can manifest itself in a variety of ways, especially in the workplace.

Not Making Reasonable Accommodations

According to FEHA, all California employers with more than 5 employees are required by law to make reasonable accommodations for their disabled employees when asked. The only exception in which an employer can decline is if the employee’s request would cause an “undue hardship.”

An undue hardship is simply another term for an activity or situation that would be difficult, complex, or too expensive for a business to perform. However, if a disabled employee requests a reasonable accommodation and the employer refuses, they can be held legally accountable for disability discrimination.

Harassment and Hostile Work Environment

Constant harassment that creates a hostile work environment is another form of disability discrimination. A hostile work environment can occur whenever an employee becomes so uncomfortable and stressed by their environment that they are unable to perform their job correctly. Constant bullying, offensive remarks, threats, and insensitive jokes can all create a hostile work environment for a disabled employee who faces this kind of behavior.

Wrongful Termination

It is against the law for an employer to fire an employee solely based on their having a disability. Unfortunately, many disabled employees are wrongfully terminated due to their disability or because of a request they made because of it.

If you were fired quickly after putting in an accommodation request because your employer assumed you could not do a job, or because your employer holds stereotypes or negative connotations around your disability, this could be grounds for wrongful termination.

Unfavorable Treatment Due to Disability

Discrimination can come in multiple forms of unfavorable treatment that can negatively affect the individual who is the victim of it. Offensive comments, no opportunities for promotion, being given broken or faulty equipment, and not being offered the same opportunities can all be signs of unfair treatment that is actually workplace discrimination.

Laws Protecting Disabled Workers

There are both federal and state laws in place protecting disabled workers from unjust treatment in their place of work. Two pieces of legislation are particularly significant in granting disabled employees rights and protections.

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is a federal act that protects disabled individuals from discrimination in a wide range of areas, including employment, government programs, transportation, and more. This was one of the first pieces of legislation granting rights and protections to disabled people across the country. It made finding jobs, education, and housing more accessible for them.

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act, more commonly referred to as FEHA, is a piece of state legislation that protects employees from discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in any form based on certain protected characteristics.

The FEHA is similar to the Civil Rights Act, but it protects more groups, including employees with disabilities. With the help of FEHA, if a disabled employee is treated unfairly or discriminated against, they can take legal action to hold their employer accountable for their actions.

Why You Need a Disability Discrimination Attorney

When you are filing a claim against your employer for disability discrimination, it is in your best interest to work with a knowledgeable employment discrimination lawyer. There are several benefits that come along with working with our team at MM Law, APC.

Help You Gather Evidence to Prove Discrimination

When you decide to file a discrimination claim against your employer, you will be required to prove that some form of discrimination took place. Working with a Glendale Disability Discrimination Lawyer can help you not only organize your case but also assist you in gathering evidence that can better prove your point. We have extensive knowledge surrounding employment law. We can work with you to prove you were treated unfairly and hold your employer accountable.

Representation and Negotiation Assistance

One of the biggest reasons any employee filing a case against their employer should work with a Glendale Disability Discrimination Lawyer because they have strong negotiation skills that can help you in court. Because many businesses are not going to want to admit to discrimination, you and your lawyer will have to fight extremely hard to prove that you were victimized. Luckily, our team at MM Law, APC, is prepared to represent you and make sure that your voice is heard.

Guide You Through the Legal Process

Filing a claim against your employer can be complex, especially when it involves a violation of employment law. By working with our team at MM Law, APC, we can help you navigate through the different steps of your employment law case and represent you along the way.

We understand that these kinds of cases can be difficult to go through, which is why we are committed to making sure you understand the law around them and guiding you to the best possible outcome.

FAQs About Glendale, CA Workplace Discrimination Law

What Is an Example of a Reasonable Accommodation?

Reasonable accommodations can vary depending on the disability of the employee and what can best help them. Examples of reasonable accommodation requests an employee can make include:

  • Asking to modify their schedule for more time off to care for themselves.
  • Asking if they can move their desk to a more accessible area of the office.
  • Requesting that aids such as a ramp be installed.

Who Do I Talk to About Disability Discrimination?

If you were the victim of disability discrimination in Glendale, California, our team at MM Law, APC, is prepared to evaluate your case and see how we can help. It is always best to trust an experienced Glendale Disability Discrimination Lawyer who has extensive knowledge of the law and can properly fight for your rights.

What Are Some Examples of Disability Discrimination in the Workplace?

Refusing to hire a job applicant solely because of their disability, refusing to make reasonable accommodations when requested by a disabled employee, or creating a hostile work environment are all forms of disability discrimination. If you believe that you have experienced discrimination, be careful to document it. This will be vital evidence in a discrimination claim.

Can You Sue Your Employer for Disability Discrimination?

Because discrimination based on a disability is illegal under state and federal laws, a victimized employee may be able to file a claim against their employer for compensation. Collect any evidence of discrimination you can find. After that, you should consult a Glendale Disability Discrimination Lawyer. They can evaluate your case and determine the next steps you should take.

Can My Employer Punish Me for Filing a Discrimination Claim Against Them?

No. Your employer is legally prohibited from retaliating against you if you file a claim against them. If you are wrongfully terminated, harassed, or threatened because you filed a discrimination claim against your employer, this counts as retaliation. Your employer can face severe legal and financial consequences if they are found to have retaliated against you.

Glendale Discrimination Lawyers That You Can Depend On

Regardless of your color, age, disability, or gender, you should be treated with respect in the workplace. At MM Law, APC, our team is committed to fighting for disabled employees who have been treated unjustly at their place of work. Every employee has the right to a safe workplace free of discrimination. If someone violates that right, you have the legal ability to take them to court.

If you have been discriminated against and treated poorly because of your disability at work, do not wait to file a discrimination claim against your employer. To learn more about MM Law, APC, our employment law services, and how we may be able to assist you, contact us for more information.


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